Der Schutz des Kulturerbes der Menschheit hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten entscheidend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Krieg, wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen, religiöse und kulturelle Intoleranz bedrohen unser gemeinsames Erbe. IADAA ist aktiv daran beteiligt, die Balance wieder herzustellen. Der offene Handel mit Kulturgütern ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für das breite öffentliche Interesse an antiken Kulturen und ihren Relikten. Der Antiquar als Händler und Vermittler von antiker Schönheit steht am Beginn von Wissenschaft und Forschung. In dieser Tradition stellt sich die IADAA den neuen Herausforderungen, die ein verantwortlicher Handel von antiker Kunst mit sich bringt.
Leider müssen wir in der letzten Zeit feststellen, daß die Berichterstattung über den Antikenhandel einseitig, undifferenziert und wenig reflektiert ist. Für diejenigen, die mehr über den verantwortungsvollen Antikenhandel und seinen Beitrag zum Kulturgüterschutz wissen wollen, ist diese Seite gedacht.
Issues surrounding the protection of mankind’s cultural property have become more and more prominent in recent years. Warfare, economic development and religious and cultural intolerance are threatening our shared inheritance.
As you will know, IADAA has been highly active in campaigning to protect the legitimate antiquities trade while investigating the best means of putting an end to the illegal activities of looters, smugglers and forgers. This work involves a great deal of research, fact checking, formulating policy and opening dialogues with lawmakers, law enforcement and other bodies like NGOs.
IADAA’s chief messages are:
- The trade is as horrified by the destruction and iconoclasm as anyone else and we share a common cause in wishing to defeat it.
- The trade has more incentive than anyone else to stop the crooks because of the damage they risk causing the reputation of the legitimate trade.
- The focus should now be on Article 5 of the UNESCO Convention, which has not been adopted fully and which obliges signatory countries to protect their archaeological sites properly.
- The authorities need to base their decisions on independently verifiable evidence, not on hearsay or unsubstantiated claims in media reports.
- We will not find a workable solution unless all parties to the debate work together, including, the trade.
A new study for the European Commission on Illicit trade in cultural goods in Europe has been published. Read here IADAA analysis of Ecorys report for EU 2019
Endlich; ILLICID-Abschlussbericht in Deutschland veröffentlicht.Lesen Sie hier die Analyse und Zusammenfassung der IADAA
At last ILLICID final report published in Germany. Read here IADAA’s analysis and summary.
Aus Cahn’s Quarterly 2 2019. Die Debatte “ Fake News und der Antikenhandel“ von Ivan Macquisten
Presentation Vincent Geerling ‘The view of the organized legitimate trade” at EU workshop 50.5.2018
IADAA chairman Vincent Geerling addressed UNESCO in Paris for the second time in just over a year. Here is his speech and a selection of reports based on recent investigations and research by IADAA and others, including the Dutch Police War Crimes Unit, that give a clearer picture about the current situation with regards to looted cultural property and ISIS, as well as what is happening in Europe.
Sir John Boardman ‚Über akademische Zensur‘, CQ 4_2017
Micheal Lewis ‚die Vergangenheit bewaren‘, CQ 1.2018
Open letter to Director General of UNESCO, Mrs Irina Bukova dated 11.05.2017 by IADAA chairman Vincent Geerling.
UNESCO answer by Mr Francesco Bandarin 31.8.2017.
IADAA reply to UNESCO 6.10.2017
CINOA UNESCO speech with links 15-05-2017
Illicit trade and financing of terrorism – Centre d’Analyse du Terrorisme
IADAA investigates operation Pandora results (with pictures) 28-03-2017
Caliphate in Decline: An Estimate of Islamic State’s Financial Fortunes – The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, 2017
Report That Antiquities Sales Is Major ISIS Funding Source Disputed By Authorities – Homeland Security Today 07-01-2017
SPECIAL ANALYSIS: Antiquities Sales Supporting ISIS Fails The Test Of Robustness – Homeland Security Today 27-02-2017
Cultural Property, War Crimes and Islamic State.
Destruction, plunder and trafficking of cultural property and heritage by Islamic State in Syria and Iraq – a war crimes perspective.
A report commissioned by the Dutch National Police, Central Investigation Unit, War Crimes Unit